Abhihaara illustrates the powerful thread that binds cotton growers with weavers, garment makers and craft artisans.
Trained 403 women in garment making under MOTs VandeMataram between 2016-18.
Have been supporting livelihoods of 100 women producers engaged in cotton supply chain since 2016.
One of the few social enterprises in South India to be invited for #GES2017 in Hyderabad.
CEO was nominated by US Consulate to participate in Global Artisan campaign in Washington DC Sep 2015.
Invited for She Trades Global Liverpool UK-Jun 2018.
Attended SAWDF- SAARC Katmandu, Nepal as member of ALEAP in September 2017.
Received Enterprising woman of the year by MSME and SME Forum on 8th March 2019 on the eve International Women’s Day.
There are a growing number of people who are travelling, both domestic and cross country. Increasingly, many of them look for meaningful travel. Craft tours is one such option where we plan to take interested Travellers to the villages of our weavers where they can understand the process of weaving, understand the difficulties faced by the Handloom weavers, see firsthand how they live in the villages.
This is envisaged like an exchange programme where the weavers and the tourist will get opportunity to talk to each other and which in turn will be education and empowering to each other.
One of the problems of mass production and industrialisation is that the consumer is almost alien to the process of production and sees only a final product and compares with how much it costs. By going on a craft tour, one would be able to see what makes hand made products so unique and appreciate the hard work that goes into its making.
This fits into our larger mandate of education and advocacy towards building a greener, less pollutant and equitable society.